Button Toolbar

toolbar.gif (2246 bytes)

Many of Der Bringer's features can be selected directly from the button toolbar. These functions are described in the following table.

Button Function Button Function
new-but.gif (193 bytes) Start a new game stop-but.gif (142 bytes) Stop calculation
open-but.gif (171 bytes) Open an existing Der Bringer Game level-but.gif (147 bytes) Set level of difficulty
save-but.gif (170 bytes) Save the current game in Der Bringer format undo-but.gif (146 bytes) Take back a move
Display/hide move list redo-but.gif (148 bytes) Replay the move you took back
srch-but.gif (162 bytes) Show or hide the Search window flip-but.gif (182 bytes) Flip board (when Der Bringer is White)
mainvars-but.gif (159 bytes) Show recent Main Variations comp-but.gif (145 bytes) Computer-Computer game
srchstat-but.gif (180 bytes) Show/hide search statistics opbk-but.gif (223 bytes) Open the Opening Book
Show best variation (only in Analysis mode) edbk-but.gif (209 bytes) Edit the Opening Book
clock-but.gif (157 bytes) Show/hide the clocks savbk-but.gif (230 bytes) Save the Opening Book
bkmovs-but.gif (227 bytes) Show bookmoves print-but.gif (174 bytes) Print the current board position
hist-but.gif (165 bytes) Show game history graph help-but.gif (154 bytes) Help (currently only in German)
calc-but.gif (147 bytes) Calculate (force a move)  

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