Search Statistics Window

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This is a dynamic display of technical information that is perhaps not of interest to many players.

Fail high 1st move: 79 %
Moves per fail high: 2.31

Check: 932
Recapture: 6443
PawnPush: 0
SingleMove: 27
Threat: 1
Razor: 21
Perpetual: 0
Promotion: 0

Null Search
Null Searches: 151974
Success rate: 63 %
Node rate: 52 %

Fail high 1st move Indicates the percentage of examined moves that failed on the first move.

Moves by fail high Indicates the average number of moves that were examined in the ' fail high' positions. Low values (< 2.00) indicate that the search is running efficiently.

Extensions Extensions of the search are made in positions in which Der Bringer finds an interesting result and decides to search more extensively.
  • Check Number of positions that would result in a check.
  • Recapture Number of postions that would result in a recapture.
  • PawnPush Number of positions where a single pawn move would occur.
  • Threat Number of positions that would result in a threat of capture or check.
  • Razor An extension that finds a position that weakens the position.
  • Perpetual Positions that would result in perpetual check (draw)
  • Promotion Positions that would result in a pawn promotion.
  • Null Search In the illustration, 151974 positions exist in the current search. Der Bringer performed a null move search to check if the last move of the search was a blunder. These searches used 52% of the total time of the current search. 63% of these searches were successful, i.e. in 63% of the positions it was unnecessary to closely examine an obviously bad move.

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