What's new in Bringer 1.8?

  • SEE (Smart Exchange Evaluator) avoids calculating obviously bad moves
  • Search: more selective, deeper, but perhaps more likely to overlook something
  • Hashtables no longer cleared after every move
  • Colors: light squares / dark squares / background can be set by the view menu (or by right-clicking on the board)
  • Highlight last move
  • Optimized for Windows 2000 (better file handling)
  • Communication between Bringer and ChessBase optimized (faster in blitz chess)
  • User-selectable sounds
  • Double-click in the Notation window to jump to the selected move
  • On first start: select language
  • Piece values can be defined by the user
  • Bringer's strength can be reduced (set Elo ...) [Elo settings are approximate]
  • Various possibilities to adjust the engine (Defaults are the strongest settings, maybe you will find even better settings?)

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